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How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Windows PCs

Learn how to set up and install ADB platform tools on your Windows PC.

In this guide, we will show you the steps to install ADB and Fastboot on Windows PCs. If you are a big fan of the Android modding community, aka custom ROMs, then you must have heard of the term ADB (Android debug bridge), a tool that allows you to control your phone from your PC. The ADB is one of the many tools that Google offers developers to debug Android apps and systems.

There are several advantages of having ADB and fastboot installed on your PC even if you are not a developer, the most important of all being rooting. If you have been following trends in the custom ROM community for sometime now, you will have realised that it is impossible to root newer Android OS version without ADB and Fastboot.

There are several ways to install ADB and Fastboot on Windows PCs and even though the process seems to be very easy, a lot of newbies struggle to get it right.

There are several third party tools available on the internet that can help you install ADB and Fastboot easily without having to mess with your systems files and settings. For this guide, have compiled a detailed guide to help you setup ADB and Fastboot on your computer using a software called Chocolatey.

What is Chocolatey?

Chocolatey is a Windows power tool that helps you automate some Windows processes. It is a program installer and manager, built for the Windows OS platform. The tool is widely popular for its ability to install multiple apps/programs at once. The tool also allows you to easily setup and install ADB and Fastboot on your PC.

How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Your PC

To install ADB and Fastboot on your Windows PC, you first need to setup Chocolatey properly on your system. To install Chocolatey on your Windows PC, follow the step by step guide below.

  1. Open your Windows search or start menu and search for Windows power shell. From the search results, right-click on the Windows power shell and select “Run as administrator.”
  2. On the Windows power shell command line interface, key in the command Get-ExecutionPolicy and hit enter on your keyboard.How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Windows PCs
  3. If the code runs fine, then, proceed to step 4. However, if the code returns a “Restricted” message, then, enter any of the following command (Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned or Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process) and grant access by typing Y or A.How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Windows PCs
  4. Now, copy the syntax below and paste on the command line interface to install chocolatey.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Windows PCs
  1. Wait for the installation process to complete and you’re done.
  2. Now, to confirm that Chocolatey is properly installed, enter the command choco and hit enter. How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Windows PCsIf it displays the current version of Chocolatey running on your PC then, you’re all set to install ADB and Fastboot.

Steps To Install ADB And Fastboot On Your PC

  1. If Windows power shell is still running on your PC then proceed to the steps 2, otherwise run Windows power shell as an administrator.
  2. Enter the command choco install adb -y to install ADB and Fastboot platform tool on your PC.choco install adb
  3. Chocolatey will now install the ADB platform-tools package on your system and set the required PATH.
  4. Once the installation process is complete, close the power shell interface.
  5. Now, enable Developer Options on your Android device and turn on USB Debugging.
  6. Connect your Android device to your PC using s USB cable and open the Windows command prompt.
  7. Enter the Command adb devices on the command prompt interface to confirm that it can read your devices.How To Install ADB And Fastboot On Windows PCs
  8. If everything works correctly, the list of device attached to your PC will be displayed as shown in the screenshot below.

That’s it, you have successfully installed ADB and Fastboot on your Windows PC using Chocolatey. If this guide has helped you with AdB and Fastboot installation, then kindly share use the share button below.


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