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HomeHow toRefine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step


Now you can give your Windows 10 PC a cleaner and smarter look in 5 easy steps using inbuilt settings. Read the complete guide discussed in the article below.

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Do you know your PC hardware alone is not responsible for how your screen displays?, Other software is also responsible for transforming your screen look and quality. Different manufacturers and the developers are giving their best to produce better screens to provide exception viewability. In this article, we’ll be discussing little software tweaks to refine the look of your Windows 10 running PC. Read on…

#1. Enable Window Spotlight

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Windows Spotlight is one of my favourite feature on Windows 10. Window Spotlight constantly displays beautiful and lovely pictures downloaded from Bing and advertisements on your Windows 10 lock screen.  This really gives your windows 10 PC an attractive look. To activate Spotlight;

  1. Go-to settings
  2. Select personalization
  3. On personalization, click on the lock screen
  4. Now, on background click the drop-down menu and select Windows Spotlight.

#2. Use Windows Night light

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Nightlight in Windows 10 helps to reduce the amount blue light emission on your display screen. Sometimes after a long time spent working on your PC, most people find it difficult to sleep, gets sore or irritated eyes etc. I was a victim too, but I was able to correct this when I learnt about f.lux and when Microsoft introduced the night light feature, I ditched f.lux and was satisfied with the night light. If you’re still running an older version of Windows, and you’re reading this, f.lux is really a great app to try. To activate night light.

  1. Go-to Windows settings
  2. Select display settings
  3. Enable night light

#3. Remove blurry effect on apps

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Old applications oftentimes tend to have a blurry look on Windows 10 due to their display configurations. We can sharpen the display of such apps to get a clearer look at them by;

  1. Right click on the app icon on your desktop
  2. Select application properties
  3. On the tabs, select compatibility
  4. Tick disable scaling on high DPI settings
  5. Apply settings

#4. Use recommended display

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Using recommended display on your windows PC gives you a cleaner look on your OS. You can check your device resolution by viewing display on settings and then adjust your display resolution to it. If your display drivers are not updated, you may get a low display resolution and your windows 10 display might be “irritating”. To use Windows recommended display option on your display screen;

  1. Launch settings
  2. Go-to display option
  3. Click advance display settings
  4. On resolution, click the drop-down menu and select the recommended resolution.
  5. Apply settings

#5. Adjust text size

Refine Your windows 10 Look In 5 Easy Step

Changing your text size will not only give you a clean look but also, a clearer and readable context. I prefer using small handwriting fonts and it looks cool for me. You can change the size of text, icon labels etc depending on your preference.

  1. Open windows settings
  2. Go-to display settings
  3. On display panel, set your text size

After following the above steps, you should by now have a more suitable and smart Windows environment. The above instructions are completely safe to use and will cause no damage to your PC. If you find this useful, kindly use the share button and pass this across to friends and others.



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